In addition to the chiropractic care that our office is providing you and your family, following The 100 Year Lifestyle FitNESS Principles will help you function better for a lifetime. Week 3- 100 Year Lifestyle FitNESS Neurology Neurology=Function. Neurology comes first! Your nervous system controls and coordinates all your body functions, including your muscles, […]
Feeling or Function
“How Are You?” is a common question we use to engage with another person when we meet on the street, at work, in school or at family gatherings. Most of us reply with the answer, “Fine!” or some version of that to keep the conversation short and social because most people are asking out of […]
Trends, Casualties, and Control
Longevity trends continue to show that people are living longer than ever. A recent article in The Atlantic (featured image) titled What Happens When We All Live to 100 reveals that life expectancy has increased by three months per year since 1840. If this trend continues, and it appears to be, life expectancy will be […]